Australian Olympian | Performance Consultant & Coach | Physiotherapist

What International Women's Day means to me

Rachel Neylan article

Every woman on this planet has their own distinct and beautifully important story to tell but I think we only ever hear from the tip of the iceberg... weather an athlete, musician, artist, mother, teacher, grandmother, scientist, ceo of a global corp or any woman active alive and giving in our community we're all equally striving toward a better tomorrow for the next generation. The truth is we never will know how many we can impact through walking our own pathways as women in a rapidly changing world of equality. I'm eternally grateful to have been alongside some incredibly powerful and influential women as friends leaders teachers managers mentors colleagues and teammates. As much as I've soaked up on a professional level in both careers this is nothing compared to the love and admiration I have for have for my incredible mother and the gift of sitting between two amazing sisters... Thank you for the women you are and the woman you have helped me become ❤ #internationalwomensday #womensday #iwd2020

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